National Lottery Lotto results for today's draw, Since its debut in 1994, this legendary monthly event has captured the minds of Britons.
As the sun sets on another Wednesday or Saturday evening, gamers from all across the United Kingdom gather to see whether their fortunate numbers will be selected. The lottery is a beloved institution that promises life-changing riches to those who dare to dream. In their quest for fast money, players meticulously choose their numbers, influenced by superstition, birthdays, or completely random decisions.
The excitement of watching the lottery draw live on television or checking the results online is a common experience that brings people from all walks of life together. The United Kingdom National Lottery Lotto draw is a tribute to the ongoing allure of games of chance and the promise of a better future for everyone who play, whether it's the excitement of winning a multimillion-pound jackpot or the joy of obtaining a lesser reward. Stay watching to see whether the stars align in today's lottery draw for you, and maybe you'll be celebrating your own rags-to-riches tale in the classic British tradition.
So the fortune numbers were milled on Sat 04 Nov 2023 Lotto draw results: luck for the one twenty, which was followed by the thirty seven, the three went to him thirty nine.
Number four fifty two and five went to him fifty four then the fifty seven.
The Bonus ball: forty three.
Draw number two thousand nine hundred eight, with the machine Arthur, using the set-ball 7 and a Jackpot of three million eight hundred thousand .
Match six: zero winners, with a prize of zero pounds each one. Which is a total of zero pounds.
Match five plus bonus: zero winners, with a prize of zero pounds each one. Which is a total of zero pounds.
Match five: fifty six winners, with a prize of one thousand seven hundred fifty pounds each one. Which is a total of ninety eight thousand pounds.
Match four: three thousand eighty two winners, with a prize of one hundred forty pounds each one. Which is a total of four hundred thirty one thousand four hundred eighty pounds.
Match three: seventy one thousand six hundred seventy six winners, with a prize of thirty pounds each one. Which is a total of two million one hundred fifty thousand two hundred eighty pounds.
Match two: seven hundred twenty four thousand five hundred seventy two winners, with a prize of Free Lotto Lucky Dip each one. Which is a total of seven hundred twenty four thousand five hundred seventy two pounds.
The total of the winners is: seven hundred ninety nine thousand three hundred eighty six.
The total of the prizes is: four million one hundred twenty eight thousand nine hundred four pounds.
Lotto Results, latest draw numbers.MORE GAME'S RESULTS
These were the Lotto results from the draw 2908 of the date Sat 04 Nov 2023.
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